Monday, May 21, 2007

Crazy Brain

Stewpot. Unassuming, bicycle-riding, soccer-playing, waterfront-living, office guy secretary dude.

With a crazy brain!

Seriously, anyone who reads this blog (all four of you) should have a re-read of Nicolai's latest posts. Each one is the carefully crafted product of a fevered imagination, a strange genius--a raving lunatic. I've never read such incredible stuff. Really, this is a blog entry of pure appreciation. Especially since he is--in person and to all appearances--a totally normal dude.

Nickleson, It must take an incredible amount of effort to keep a constant lid on that crazy brain of yours during the day. You're like some kind of superhero. Bravo, sir, bravo.

1 comment:

bishop is a battle axe said...

I come from a long line of raving lunatics.

Exhibit A:

My second uncle twice removed once wrestled a small aligator the size of a large kitten only to lose half of his left arm and run away screaming. Minutes later, he said quietly, "that bitch didn't know what hit him."

This is a true story in the minds of no one.

Snafu, your post touches me like a hot cup of tea on a cool, rainy evening.

Exhibit B: I prefer blueberry green tea.

Enjoy your futbol.

Happiness abounds.