Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Hear Deuce Roar!

That's right fans of The Deuce, Clint Dempsey scored a bomb for Fulham this evening. After coming on as a sub in the 52nd minute, Dempsey crushed a volley from 35 yards out which dipped over the top of the hapless Stoke city 'keeper. The part-time rapper followed his strike with his customary "I'm pissed off and Awesome" victory sprint. Do that shit in the World Cup motherfucker.

Enjoy your Deuce.


Jake said...

Um, where's the link? This is just amateurish blogging. Remind me, what am I paying you for?

josh said...

I love these 18-minute highlight reels. For some games it's almost better than watching the whole thing! The Stoke-Fulham recap is pretty good, but you (Snake) can skip to 14:55 to see the Dempsey bomb.

josh said...

48-seconds spots are good too...