Sunday, July 09, 2006

An American Werewolf in Munich, Part 2

Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4

München, Deutschland. I know it's been some time since my last post, and you've been worried. Well, never fear, Dear Reader, for this intrepid reporter has managed splendidly in my time abroad. Sorry I haven't been able to tell you all about it.

If there's one thing I can report, it's that things are different here. The language for one (these keyboards are wacky also with their ö and ä and ü keys). The culture for another. For example, Germans care about fussball: they sing songs about their team, gather in great numbers to watch their team, proclaim the greatness of their team, and (key difference here) their team can back them up.

I know some of my readership will appreciate a few of the small, yet telling differences I've observed while in Munich, regarding the World Cup. Most notably, the games are not shown on ESPN2. There are no action-obscuring graphics displayed during the game, period. All lineups are given prior to the action and at once, in formation, without pictures. The time and score are displaying in a small, semi-transparent box in the upper left corner.

Well, of course, the Cup is over, and the villians have won, but i highly recommend the European football scene to anyone. Euro 2008, anyone?

1 comment:

Jake said...

Euro 2008 it is. I'm ready to leave right now.