Wednesday, September 27, 2006

How's Your Face, Mr. Bush?

Wow, check this video out, an MSNBC editorial from Keith Olbermann. Pretty heavy-hitting.

To catch up those who've ignored the political press the last few days: Clinton appeared on Fox News last Friday and was sandbagged with the accusation that he let 9/11 happen because he was distracted by Monica Lewinsky. He got mad and--can you believe his nerve?--told the truth. Which is: He tried to warn the Bush Administration that Osama Bin Laden was determined to attack on American soil and was ignored. Now the right-wing press is not only blaming him for 9/11, but is also trying to ridicule him for his "outburst" on Friday as he defended himself from these false accusations.

So good ol' Olbermann has backed Clinton's play and it's pretty awesome. So watch.


Jake said...

I've been watching some of Olbermann's rants lately. He kicks more than a little ass. Hard to believe he made his name on Sportscenter.

MeganP said...

I'm now considering naming my first born Olbermann.

Michael said...

Clinton tried to warn the Bush admin? Was that before or after they pried the W's off all the keyboards?


Hardly Workin said...

It will be great when Olberman's reporting will result in such a groundswell of support that the masses rise up and demand a just government that reflects the will of the people (me).

Yeah Mike, that's funny. Except, it didn't happen.
And also Condi lied under oath about not recieving the warnings and all of it contributed to the Bush administration's manipulation of news to get us into an unjust and brutal natural resources war.