Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Why I'm Not Moving to Ballard

Ever seen that weird looking Church next to the Paradox in Ballard? Turns out it's creepier than you ever could have imagined.


GinthMisterGrandeMax said...

Jake you are missing the point they welcome you as you are! Go and be fertile spread the seed of the lord!

Jake said...

No way dude. Satan's my guy.

bishop macnamara said...

i don't get it, they "all talk about a meaningless and bankrupt society; a world that offers no anodyne culture outside their faith" and yet their shared hipster culture is what allows them to trust each other and provides a basis for evangelism. sounds pretty hypocritical to me. then again, i can't imagine that some of the women don't--deep down--feel betrayed by this faith.