Thursday, May 11, 2006

I could make a wolverine purr

Jake invited me to join this, not because I know anything about soccer. Of course, if that were a requirement, Jake wouldn't be on this blog either.

Here's my first comment:
"I know what you're asking yourself. And the answer is yes. I have a nickname for my penis. It's called the octagon. But I aslo nicknamed my testes. My left one is James Westfall and my right one is Dr. Kenneth Noiswater. You ladies play your cards right, you just might get to meet the whole gang."

1 comment:

Jake said...

Ethan quickly proves, despite his lack of soccer knowledge, to be a valuable asset to Balls on Fire.

Might I suggest, Ethan, adopting a nome de plume, perhaps Ron Burgundy or Brick Tamland. Maybe even Wes Mantooth.